St. Andrews International Church is a small church in Athens started by a missionary. The goal of their church is to (1) Teach scripture (2) Teach English to their congregation. This works out well for us because we could not find any congregation that preached in Greek and also offered translations, like our friend’s church in Germany. The service was nice, the worship was circa 1997-2003 and the message from a guest speaker was simple but effective. My takeaway was “But God.” Throughout scripture this phrase was used in contrast to tragedy faced by the Jewish people.
“It seems there is no hope, but God….” A Great reminder. The Bible doesn’t leave us hopeless.

After service we were wished a “Happy Sunday” by many of the congregants. After stopping in their fellowship hall for cookies and a drink we headed off in search of lunch before our spa day. Oh yeah!

Alas, we did not have time for lunch because it was time to head to the spa. Athens Fish Spa that is! We booked a three hour couples spa including but not limited to: 30 minute fish pedicure, 30 minute sauna, 30 minute body scrub, and an 80 minute deep tissue massage. “Fish pedicure!” you say?! “What is that?” Well… It’s where dozens of tiny fish suck on your feet for thirty minutes eating off the dead skin and other such microbes. Weird? Maybe… Does it tickle? At first. Would I do it again? Of course! Those cute little fish have to eat! The steam room was hot and wet and the massage was wonderful. I felt like napping the entire time, especially when it was over. Money well spent.
Now, time to eat at the restaurant Anni suggested. The name of it? I couldn’t tell you. That’s the thing with Greek, it is an Indo-European language and is impossible to read unless you know it. The meal was great, and the location in a small tree covered alley was nice and relaxing. Though, relaxing effect may have also been a by product of our massage.

After dinner we headed down the streets of Athens towards the Acropolis. We eventually happened upon Hadrian’s Arch and the Temple of Olympian Zeus. Which now is not much more than fifteen standing columns. Still, impressive. It is highly likely that Paul in his journey through Hadrian’s arch and debated and talked near the Temple of Zeus. It’s so weird to think that 2,000+ years ago the Romans were walking around these structures living daily life. Maybe one day people will think that about American structures. Nah, I’m just kidding… Our construction won’t last that long. We headed for the Acropolis to finish off the day. Unfortunately, our massage took too long and most of the sites close around 7:30 p.m.
But, all was not lost. We happened upon a hill made of very slippery marble overlooking the city. We walked to the top along with at least a hundred others and looked over the city. We found out later this was Mars Hill. Mars hill in Paul’s day was the meeting place of the main governing body of the city. It is well known among many Christians as the spot from which Paul preached in Acts 17. It also doubles as a beautiful and romantic spot to watch the sunset. Thanks for the tip Paul!
Tired from a long day walking around Athens we headed home to get ready for our movie. Along the way we noticed something that we have not noticed in any other European city. Cats, lots of them. Around every turn, cats. If I lived in Athens I would started a blog called “CAThens: The Cats of Athens.” It is probably good that I don’t live in Athens. But still… here are a few photos

We got home, grabbed directions and charging sticks for our phones and headed out again! After a mistake on the Metro where we headed the wrong direction for 10 minutes we got on the right train and headed to Cine Amyrillas, an open air movie theatre. What movie were we seeing? Perhaps “My Big Fat Greek Wedding?” no such luck. We ended up seeing Jurassic World with Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard. You know… to get the full Athenian experience. The movie was a lot of fun and included a possibly planned ten minute intermission halfway through the film. No one seemed to be surprised so we just sat tight.
By the time the movie was over the metro was closed so we hailed a taxi and headed home. We were in bed by 1:30 a.m. Nothing to wake up for tomorrow so I guess we’ll be sleeping in.