Just down the street from our home we walked by two nice little parks, I grabbed a few groery essentials, and we headed downtown. I don’t know much about Lucerne, or really any place, I’m just not naturally curious about many things. But when I get curious oh boy… Sorry, tangent. Lucerne is along the beautiful Lake Lucerne surrounded by cliffs, grassy areas and city skyline. The city itself is cut in half the Reuss River and along the river is The Chapel Bridge is one of the key locations in old town that dates back over 650 years and was restored over 8 months and re-opened in April of 1994. We ate at Pfistern near the edge of river right by the Bridge. So that was nice.
The fondue was also very good there were some mini potatoes along with the delicious melted cheese. I’d be lying if I knew what kind of cheese it was, but rest assured it was delicious. Whatever you picture in your brain the best fondue you have ever had it, it was that good, but better, because Switzerland. The main course was followed by some awesome melted chocolate and lovely blend of tasty treats and fruits BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE! After walking across the boring new bridge to get to the cool old bridge we made our way to a gelato spot along the river. I heard some distinct American accents behind Adah and I in line so I turned to put faces to voices. We chatted with sisters from the Pittsburg area, one fresh out of high school, one traveling with her sister to help her see the world. A short lived line friendship but nice all the same.
After getting gelato, petting 1 or 2 dogs with Spencer and catching the bus we were home for the night. Uber Eats for dinner and ready to make plans for tomorrow.