As far as good starts go, being locked in your room and relieving yourself in a water bottle leaves a little to be desired (see previous blog). Somehow though, we managed to start the day off right in our last hours in Venice.

This place isn’t called “Violet Dream” on Air BNB for no reason… and no, that’s not a complaint. This flat is beautiful. After spending the past six days in shared living space it’s nice to have our own place again. I love emptying our packs into closets and drawers. It makes all the difference, emotionally speaking. But, not much time to soak it in as we had plans to meet up with some friends who are in Rome on their honeymoon and today is our only day of overlap. This rendesvouz was made possible by Bethany and her great planning abilities. Thanks babe!

We met up with Kyle and his new bride Sarah at Antics Trattoria Da Carlone. It was a nice cafe off the main street tucked away in a nice Roman alley way. Dinner was wonderful! We had a great time catching up, talking about marriage, relationships, travel and even more time laughing. It was great to see Kyle again and spend more time with Sarah who at this point we had only met one other time for far to short of a period. Dinner was winding down but we weren’t done hanging out so we walked around and chatted looking for more some more tasty Roman treats. So we started walking. Turns out a favorite thing to do in this area of Rome is stair sitting. That is exactly what it sounds like. All over the place people sat on stairs. Aint nohbody got time for that! We passed by several street vendors and Kyle got some cool sunglasses that he probably paid mor than he should of paid but hey… you can’t put a price on face fashion.

We continued walking through Rome, stopping for Gelato and continuing to enjoy each others company. Shortly after taking the above picture we arrived at our Metro station where we were to part ways only to find that it was closed for the night. We scrambled for the next 20 minutes to find a cab. Eventually we did, though I think Kyle blames us for stealing their cab…. Fifteen Euros and a short cab ride later from a driver who clearly loves the Fast and Furious franchise we arrived safely home with great memories and full bellies. Good first night in Rome!