It’s our final day in Santorini and we’re not going quietly. Though, it did start quietly. The problem with tourist hot spots is there are a lot of tourists. This means among the many images beautiful locals and structures you take, you will find tourists… I’m guilty of it, we’re all guilty of it. I’ve even learned how to use it to my advantage on this trip and work images of people into the photos to make them more interesting. However, sunrise is not something that should be shared with hundreds of others. It’s one of the few beautiful and pure things left. For that reason, woke up at 5:30 a.m. to be awake for sunrise at 6:05.
The streets were empty and lights were still on from the night before. Beautiful.
I walked to the old church, a place commonly used to view the sunset in Santorini and waited. It was a partially cloudy day, I think that will make for some nice photos. Some time around 5:50 I was joined by one of the dogs of santorini. He appeared to be carrying a baget, I guess we all enjoy a morning snack.
The sunset, as you can imagine was beautiful. But rather than attempt to describe it, I’ll just show you.

Yeah… I know…
I headed home to rest a little more before our long day with Nick and Myriam. We didn’t have anything planned specifically, but they got ATV’s too so that will be a large part of the day I’d imagine.
Since Ancient Thira denied us before we decided to go back to see what there is to see. The ride up is beautiful and the view from above is fantastic. However, the ruins… leave a little to be desired. Don’t get me wrong, it’s awesome imagining what life would have been like, but we’ve seen some very impressive ruins in the past month and these don’t quite “stand up” in comparison. Still… we had fun.

Next order of business? Water… We were thirsty. We grabbed some down by the beach and headed back towards Oia. Spefically to Amoudy Bay the port just down the steps from Oia. Amoudy bay is a cute little area with color ships floating in port and a walking path that hugs the shore all the way to the jumping rock. This was our next stop.
Nick, Bethany and I swam out to the rock to jump. It was a 6 1/2 meter drop into a deep crystal / blue bay. I jumped first, though, as per usual, my photos turned out to be far less stellar than my friends. It was so much fun seeing Nick & Bethany’s change from apprehension to jump to “can we do it again?” Yes we can! And we did, we jumped for about 45 minutes being joined by people all over the island. Another great opportunity to use the GoPro.

After a good hour of jumping and my skin slapping onto the water below, we were hungry and tired so we headed to Amoudy bay for a bite. The food was great, I’m told the seafood was “very nice.” makes sense… island and all. We decided from here we would part ways, shower and meet up for sunset at 8:00 p.m.
So, we headed back to our respective homes to get ready. We’re dropping off the ATV tonight and I hadn’t had enough time on it so while Bethany got ready for the night, I took the ATV for a lap around our area. And, In a failed attempt to capture how cool I felt riding the ATV, I took this photo. I forgot I had GoPro on my head…
In an attempt to have a beautiful Santorini photo, Bethany took this one. I’m gonna say, she wins…
While waiting for Nick and Myriam I stood up on our balcony watching the living breathing Oia streets. I need to soak it in, we’re leaving so soon. I saw Myriam walking up the street with Nick in tow and came down to meet Bethany in the store next to our home. It was time for our last Santorini sunset and their first, at least with us. We chose to sit back in the back to get a different view, maybe my favorite view. The vibrant orange, yellow and red set an amazing backdrop for the silhouette of umbrellas and people. Nothing like it.
Our night finished as every other night since our first night together with laughter, drinks and stories. I’m thankful for our new friends and look forward to seeing them again. They’re coming to California next year! See you soon guys!