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Day 11: Good Friends, No Plans

By 4 June 2015May 30th, 2023No Comments

Today we are in Cologne, Germany to visit our friends Michelle and Daniel Kern. I will show you photos tomorrow. For now just imagine a beautiful couple with two lovely children.

Look at me… already lying to you. Technically we are in Troisdorf, Germany. But in the same way I say I’m from Sacramento, they would say they are from Cologne to those who don’t know better. So get off my back… Michelle was in Bethany’s youth group at Lakeside Church in Folsom. While doing urban missions in New York she met her now husband Daniel and on the corner of United and 14th in New York they had their first impromptu date. We know how that turned out. She now is a German citizen with two beautiful children living and serving the Lord in Cologne.

We were greeted at the airport by Michelle, her son Noah and daughter Aliya. We took the train to the station nearest their home and walked to their apartment in Troisdorf (don’t even try to pronounce it…). A lovely city blending modern style apartments with quaint German architecture through tree covered streets. It is a very nice area. Because we didn’t have accommodations to speak of Michelle and her husband and their close friends took it upon themselves to find us a place to stay. This was way above and beyond and truly blessed us. We were ready to shell out a little cash for a hotel. Yet again we got to see God’s church in action.

We took her children, Aliya two and Noah one, to the park to spend some time outside. It was a lovely park filled with children and parents playing and having a great time. As I lay on a blanket on the grass falling asleep due to sleep deprivation a deep but not profound realization came over me. Children, no matter culture or language, have a familiar sound all around the world. The laughter, cries, giggles and yells spoke all they needed to without a word of English being spoken. It was a fun “small world” moment.

The rest of the evening was spent with Michelle and Daniel’s lovely family. We had a chance to play with the kids, I made a lego house, and ate a lovely meal while sharing stories of our journey thus far. I was asked to share my testimony at their kid’s ministry event tomorrow night and I accepted, so you can pray for that. It will be fun to share a short version of my story to bless and maybe be another link in the chain to the salvation of children even in Troisdorf Germany! God is big!

We look forward to seeing what Germany has in store for us tomorrow!


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