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The Trip of a Lifetime

By 21 May 2015May 30th, 2023No Comments

Raise your hand if you knew Bethany and I are going to Europe? Did you do it? If so, laugh at yourself because you’re alone and raised your hand because of something I wrote. If you didn’t and you smugly resisted the urge, realize you’re being smug towards written word on the screen and then laugh at yourself. Now that that’s out of the way…

Well… The time has come. We leave May 24th and Arrive home June 28th. Bethany and I have been planning this trip for at least a year. We’ve been saving, scraping by, doing odd jobs all to fund this amazing trip. What’s the occasion? The pursuit of memory making I guess?? Though it happens to coincide with Bethany’s graduation and our desire to start family planning, NO THAT’S NOT AN ANNOUNCEMENT CALM DOWN, adventure is the motivator! This is not a “baby moon” as many have suggested. Also, can we stop making up random cute words for everything in life? Does a cocker spaniel poodle mix need to be a “cockapoo?”. Can’t things just be… (This has been deep thoughts from Bryce). A “Baby Moon” for the uninitiated is when a couple gets pregnant and decides to go on vacation because they know that part of their life is about to be over. This is similar except for the pregnancy factor, which I’d say is a biggie…

Enough about what this trip is not. This trip is a 5 week long crazy race through Europe. We start in Dublin, Ireland and end in Athens, Greece and stop almost everywhere in between. The exhaustive list of our destinations can be found below…

Dublin, Ireland
London, England
Paris France
Cologne, Germany
Dresden, Germany
Venice, Italy
Rome, Italy
Athens, Greece
The Greek Island of Thira

On the way home we’re even doing some 24 hour layovers in Denmark and Iceland. Which, as I sit here sleep deprived on a plane, sounds terrible. But here’s to adventure!

One of the greatest parts of this trip is we get to visit people we know in several of the cities we’re going to. Some people we know from our past hosting Couch Surfers some are long time friends who happen to be globe trotting at the same time as us. How cool is that?

Our goal is to keep this blog up to date daily, though every other day may be more reasonable. If you Instagram you can follow us at, if you don’t, you can just bookmark this page. We hope to post a lot of photos and videos. So if you’re looking to interject some travel into your existence join us! If not, why did you read this? Go outside!


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