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I woke early to do some work. Fun times. The bright side being we were going to see our first set up friends today somewhat spontaneously. Some of the ROVE fam lives in the greater Calgary area and so we asked to meetup and they said yes! Sadly my computer clock didn’t update so we lost an hour and had to scramble to leave. Once we hopped in our Uber XL to a park we started to hang. Unfortunately, Canadian lads n ladies are still in school so not kids were at the park. Our girls quickly got bored. That’s okay we had been promised some pretty good food and ice cream and that was enough to excite the girls. But, travels hard and even the motivation of ice cream has not removed the tinge of exhaustion, boredom and frustration our girls have face with being in travel mode. They are doing great, it’s just a lot of go go go. Next time, direct flights, though more expensive make up their cost in the emotional cost.

We had a great time, eating, chatting and catching up and then James was nice enough to drive us to the airport. Thanks guys for the Canadian welcome gift, maple syrup must have been lost in the mail I guess.

Calgary airport luckily had a small toddler play area. Our girls made fast friends and that helped kill them time til our flight (5:30PM) The flight wasn’t much to speak of given that it was a night time flight. The blessing in it is that the girls went to bed and woke up in the morning in London so they were almost immediately adjusted to the time zone shift. I did not sleep on the plain, pushed as hard as I could to the night, but had to nap for an hour before going out into Greater London. We hopped out to a couple local parks, mixed it up a bit with the kids, and came back to get dinner. Burgers of course, like a good American visiting abroad…

We made our plans for the morning, I stayed up working for a bit and then we went to bed. Was nice to visit for a day but I’m looking forward to Amsterdam since we’ll actually be there two full days.

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