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Domesticated London

By 16 November 2017May 30th, 2023No Comments

Today, is Thursday because apparently we are now time Lord’s and we fast-forwarded through Wednesday. It was one of those “Let’s pay a lot of money go to London and let our daughter watch Netflix kind of days.” The best kind of days.

We got out of bed around 11:00 a.m. Ate what some would call breakfast I call a fig newton, water and strawberries and Auntie Eden arrived at our doorstep. She’s the reason for this trip (aside from pre-baby two travel). She just finished her semester here yesterday and we’re all here to celebrate by traveling and making memories.

We were a little slow going to starting our day so we planned to meet her in town after she finished up coffee with a friend she made during her semester.

We got dressed, ate, packed and we’re out the door by 2:15. Moriah’s supposed to arrive around 4 that gives us plenty of time…

Travel tip: When meeting up with someone stay in constant contact before leaving service areas… It will spare many headaches.

We got on the tube after a, probably high school age, guy pointed us to the correct line, thanks man! We joked that we’d probably have to turn around and head back home once we get downtown to be home when Moriah arrives. I attemped to send off a text to Eden to let her know we were on our way but The Underground sucked away our service, of course… After Adah’s second ever tube ride we arrived at Picadilly Circus, The funnest Underground name in all of Jolly Ole London Town, to meet up Eden. As we escalated up towards street level we saw Eden escalating down. Apparently after not hearing from us she decided to head back home. If we arrived 5 minutes later we would have missed her and would have been stuck downtown waiting to hear from her and vice versa. I call that God luck.

“I just heard from Moriah, she’s getting her bag & an Oyster card and heading towards Kensal Green.”

So, I left Adah and Bethany with Eden and headed back home on the tube. There I met someone named Julia who does marketing for a health bar and runs social media and does graphic design. Good thing too because if I hadn’t I would have got off on the wrong line and not made it home to quick. Thanks!

I waited around the station, walked back and forth to make sure Moriah hadn’t’ already arrived, grabbing coffee on the way back and finally startled her at the station. I’m told around this time Eden & Bethany were in Hyde park hanging out near Buckingham palace. Adah didn’t nap much which, though not great in general, set her up for a semi-normal bedtime which is a for sure win. The “plan” is working.

After everyone caught up a bit Moriah and I walked a little under a mile (1.2km) to Sainbury’s (Walmart’s posher cousin) and grabbed a day or two’s worth of groceries and talked theology as we went. How fun! Our purchases consisted of mostly breads, cheeses, juices, jams and as I came to discover the wrong size diapers. Whoops.

It was a lovely walk, we came home and I put our little stinker to bed after having some takeout from The Island pub. Adah went down after a minute of practicing to be a metal bands vocalist (screaming). Poor little bugger. We waited up for the rents to arrive. All in all a good day, but hopefully not a proper example of domesticated travel with a toddler.

In summary: Netflix. Tube. Tube. Groceries. Bed. Money well spent.

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