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The girls are tired. Sleeping in was nice but all our girls wanted to do today was nothing. I kind of wanted the same. The first week was a roller coaster hypothetically and literally. Now it was time to regain some of our drive. We intentionally decided weren’t doing anything until then evening and even then it would be a small park and dinner. I walked into town for a few more groceries to try to cover the weeks needs as well as to withdrawl some Swiss Franks. At least I wasn’t wearing a heavy bag. When I got home I experienced something magical, something a week ago I never thought possible, I took a nap. So glorious. Of course I woke up over tired and groggy, but man was that needed.

We walked through Brienz to a small water park on the shore of the lake. I know what you’re thinking, a splash pad, nope. This park made you work and do science and stuff. There was a little resistance to doing anything from the kids until we arrived and their imagination opened up. While someone (normally a parent) pumped on the rideable water pumps, the kids lifted gates, dropped wedged buckets, spun widgets and guided the water down a series of channels back into the lake only to be pulled up again by the weary parents. Leave it to the Swiss to make waterparks a learning experience. It was a nice little lakeside stop on the way to dinner and surprisingly didn’t get the girls wet.

We walked along the lake noting wooden sculptures, something Brienz is known for, and headed towards a patio restaurant next to the beautiful lake at sunset and a nice old church building with a bell that rang on the hour. We were told to seat ourselves I wanted to pick two small two seaters off to the side to give our girls ample space, we were told by our server that this was not a good choice. “It’s to small, there are bigger tables, sit here.” So much for freedom of choice, Calvinism for the win. I won’t bore you with the details of dinner Cordon Blue (I’m fancy), Spaghetti, Nuggets, etc it was great. We really just wanted to sit and look out and the beautiful landscape created by the master artist and rest.

The walk home felt long, but we got home, did a bath, bedtime, did work and went to bed. A nice change of pace from the week prior.

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